Q1: What is “ZU”?
“ZU” - The Source Of Health
A person’s physical well-being is related to the inert quality of the blood in his body, and, in turn, the body’s natural immunization.
Medical research has proven that a healthy person’s blood is slightly alkaline with a phase value of pH 7.35 – 7.4. On the other hand, if his blood inclines towards acidic not coming close to pH 7.35 it is likely to cause a person to get tired and fall sick easily.
Every man is born with an immunologic competence. It helps to immune the physical body against the various types of disease in order to enable body to function normally. When his inert immunity degenerates or is lost, the physical health of a person will be affected leading to all sorts of diseases, some of which can be fatal.
After repeated researches conducted in the medical world, the following discoveries were made:
Citric acid is an important element for sustaining a healthy body alkaline.
Accessory suprarenal cortical hormone helps to strengthen the body’s immunity.
The medical world has also discovered that “ZU” is an element that comprises a large quantity of citric acid compound with accessory Suprarenal cortical hormone.
Citric Acid Periodic Circulation:
When food passes through a human body, the process is known as digestion. During this process, food is converted into different materials; carbohydrate turns into glucose; protein into amino acid; and fat into glycerin and fatty acid.
After the digestion process is completed, some of the new substances are used for nourishing the body, while some are being stored for future use.
If a person consumes too much acidic food with a high content of animal protein and fat, it will lead to too much lactic acid and pyroracemic that cannot be completely removed from the body. The excess lactic acid and pyroracemic will be dissolved in the blood and muscle causing the blood to turn acidic and thicken. This will in turn be a major cause of many diseases.
During the digestion process, the heat and energy required by the human body is converted via circulation of citric acid. If citric acid is able to circulate smoothly in the body, all the lactic acid and pyroracemic will be remove completely and the body resistance strengthened.
The accessory suprarenal is located above the kidney. It contributes to the secretion of adrenalin and various other type of hormone. These various types of hormone will help to build up the body’s resistance and protect its physical health. The accessory suprarenal cortical hormone is made from ZU.
ZU is made from green plum using modern advance extraction and refining technique developed in Japan. It comprises high contents of citric acid, succinic acid, malic acid, natural vitamins and pearl calcium, a substance especially suitable for building and strengthening the human bone structure.
This product is a nutritious alkaline food. Regular consumption will help to stimulate the periodic circulation of citric acid in the body; dissolve acidic toxins in the blood; and regulates secretions in the body that will in turn help to strengthen the body, and also help to prevent diseases affecting the heart and other vital organs.
ZU is your ideal health food.
It is suitable for men and woman of all ages.
Q2: What is the Effects of Vinegar in the Prevention and Treatment of Illnesses?
(1) Prevention of Kidney and Liver Illness:
The function of the liver is to bring about the disintegration of toxins in the body while the kidney functions as a filter of waste. Thick acidic blood and excessively high cholesterol, combined with ammonia and uric acid produced by residue proteins in the blood are elements that will increase the burden of the liver and kidney. The extra pressure imposed on these two organs can cause toxin affliction that will bring about serious damages. Vinegar is capable of breaking down acidic toxins in the blood resulting in cleaner blood. This will reduce the burden of the liver and kidney and helps to eliminate the chances of toxin affliction.
(2) Prevention of Diabetes:
Diabetes is closely related to the pancreas. The function of the pancreas is the secretion of insulin, which is disseminated to all parts of the body via the blood vessels. The function of insulin is to channel glucose found in the blood (blood sugar) into the muscles for conversion into calories of energy required by the body. Brain activities also require a constant supply of blood sugar. Inadequate supply of insulin will result in failure to channel the blood sugar into the muscles and the brain. If blood sugar is not promptly disseminated from the blood, the excessive accumulation of blood sugar will find its way out via urination. This condition is aptly known as “Sugar Urine Illness” in Chinese or diabetes as a common medical term. Diabetes is a condition which can bring about several other complications; they include heart disease, swelling, kidney illness, and retinopathy. A high level of insulin is required to breakdown the sugar content in the blood, insufficient supply will result in an excessively high level of blood sugar. Vinegar is able to help purify the blood, sustain its alkaline level, and contribute to recovery of the pancreas thus reducing the occurrence of high blood sugar condition among diabetics.
(3) Prevention of Hypertension and Strokes:
According to recent expert explanations, hypertension is caused by paralysis of the arteriole blood vessel muscles that control the contraction of blood vessels. This condition results from having too much lactic acid in the body. Vinegar is capable of eliminating excess lactic acid and contributing to the prevention of hypertension from developing into more serious conditions such as arteriosclerosis and strokes.
(4) Arthritis, Rheumatism and Gout:
The uric acid and urate found in acidic blood tend to accumulate on soft joint tissues resulting in chronic or acute arthritic and pain. The calcium and citric acid found in vinegar can form “collagen”, supplement calcium, and breakdown uric acid in the blood to help eliminate such kind of illnesses. Furthermore, food proteins tend contain a high level of nitrogen, which will turn into ammonia when it comes into contact with hydrogen. If the liver does not convert the ammonia into uric acid and pass out of the body, it will accumulate in the muscles and blood to cause problems like gout and arthritis. Vinegar is able to help speed up the removal of uric acid and eliminate the painful conditions. Regular consumption of vinegar does not cause any sides effects.
(5) Regulating Hormone Secretion:
Since the accessory suprarenal cortical hormone of the body is composed of vinegar, increase intake of vinegar and other nutritious foods can help to simulate hormones secretion for both sexes, regulate their sexual capabilities, and help to keep a person young and full of vitality.
As can be seen from the above explanations, vinegar is obviously an effective element in healthy care and preventive medicine. It can be consumed regularly without causing any side effect. That is why Japanese refers to vinegar as the source of life. Vinegar – it gives power to life.