Friday, December 21, 2007

You needn't hate cholesterol

Hardening of arteries is a horrible disease, and is very difficult to cure. Many people fear its cause, namely, cholesterol, maybe by the influence of advertisements. Concern is reasonable, but you should not fear it.Your body has lots of cholesterol and it plays an important role. It is one of the most important components of blood. When you are in danger, cholesterol takes your adrenal hormones to the right places. When you lack vitality, it is also changed into sexual hormones and sent where needed.So how does cholesterol harden our arteries? The late Professor Takio Shimamoto of Tokyo Medical and Dental University published the results of his research on this problem and drew great attention. According to him, if much adrenaline is secreted as in excessive anger, anxiety, or coldness, or if we need too much cholesterol to move the frequent adrenal hormones through the artery wall, it will cause the wall to harden.The popularization of vinegar is important for people and countriesWhy is it that vinegar has such a great effect? I think it is because vinegar was basic to the origin of life. It continues to give great vitality to life.Glucose, which is the most important sugar contained in celluloses and fibers, originated from the simplest form of organic acid, which is produced by a plant with chlorophyll. When helped by sun, water, and carbon dioxide, it goes through a process similar to the citric acid cycle working in reverse. However, animals burn all the food they take in by changing it to eight acids. Moreover, one of the important routes through which animals’ bodies are formed involves alpha-ketoglutaric acid, one of the eight acids making up the citric acid cycle.

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