Saturday, December 22, 2007

認識檸檬酸(枸櫞酸) 窈窕美麗好處多

「檸檬酸循環」(TCA cycle)

枸櫞酸俗稱「檸檬酸」,是屬於檸檬類、芸香科植物的中文名稱,而枸櫞酸指的就是這類植物果實中所含的酸性成份。英國生化學家克雷布斯博士(Hans A. Crebs)發現人體內有一個「檸檬酸循環」(TCA cycle),並提倡「若檸檬酸循環正常,則表示身體健康」,此理論於1953發表並因此榮獲諾貝爾獎。

此種分解醣類的方式稱「檸檬酸循環」(TCA cycle)。「檸檬酸循環」如果順利運轉每天就是神采奕奕,精神煥發;如果運轉不順利,則焦葡萄酸就會變成乳酸,乳酸是疲勞下的產物,如果儲存於體內,就會使血液變成酸性,感覺懶洋洋的,渾身不對勁。正因為檸檬酸能將乳酸再利用,加速分解消除疲勞因子,讓氧氣及營養素順利輸送至全身,所以有很多運動選手都藉由攝取檸檬酸維持身體最佳狀態!




• 運動的人:
• 睡瘦身覺的人:
• 熬夜的人:
• 工作忙碌的人
• 在學的人:
• 討厭吃青菜、水果的人:
• 藥罐子:



酢为弱硷性? 一般人以為:酢主要成份為酢酸,吃酢會使血液趨於酸性,而認為酢不是好東西;其實「酢能在短時間內排除血液變成酸性的乳酸及焦性葡萄酸,而使血液維持正常的微鹼性,因此,酢是屬於微鹼性食物」。



Friday, December 21, 2007

养命酢 - 常问产品相关问题

问题1: 酢是什么?

酢 - 是生命之源


根据研究证实,健康人的血液呈弱碱性(pH 7.35 - 7.4 ) 值,反之,如果呈酸性体质,便会容易疲倦,易于感染疾病。

此外,每个人的体内均俱有本能的 “抗病免疫力”, 这种免疫力可抵抗各种有菌性疾病,以维持身体机能正常操作,但是当这种“抗病免疫力”衰退或丧失,便会影响健康,引发各种疾病,危害生命。

(一)“枸橼酸 ”─ 是保持弱碱健康体质之重要元素;
(二)“副肾皮质荷尔蒙”- 则能增强抗病免疫力。


(1)人体将食物由淀粉变成葡萄糖-蛋白质变成氨基酸-脂肪变成甘油及脂肪酸 - 这过程叫做“消化”。



(4)在消化过程中,必须经由“枸橼酸循环” 才能转换为人体所需要的热和能,此种循环顺畅时体内“乳酸”和“焦性葡萄酸”会迅速消失,进而增强抗病




原文(日文)翻译摘自 – 长田正雄博士书籍及日本Tsukarezu Honpo Ltd.官方网站。

问题2: 酢在预防与治疗疾病方面的功效?




酸性血液中所含的尿酸,尿酸盐,会沉积在柔软的关节组织上,造成急慢性的关节炎及疼痛,酢所供应的钙和枸橼酸,可以形成“胶原”,并补充钙质,;分解血液中尿酸,而解除此类病痛;再者,食物中之蛋白质含多量的氮(N)碰到氢(H)就会变成(NH3 - 阿摩尼亚,如肝脏不将它变成尿酸素排出体外,它就会聚集在体内血液或肌肉中,引致痛风或关节炎等。酢-能迅速有效将尿酸分解排泄出来,解除此类的病痛,且常服食,并不产生副作用。



原文(日文)翻译摘自 – 长田正雄博士书籍及日本Tsukarezu Honpo Ltd.官方网站。

TSUKAREZU - The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q1: What is “ZU”?

“ZU” - The Source Of Health

A person’s physical well-being is related to the inert quality of the blood in his body, and, in turn, the body’s natural immunization.

Medical research has proven that a healthy person’s blood is slightly alkaline with a phase value of pH 7.35 – 7.4. On the other hand, if his blood inclines towards acidic not coming close to pH 7.35 it is likely to cause a person to get tired and fall sick easily.

Every man is born with an immunologic competence. It helps to immune the physical body against the various types of disease in order to enable body to function normally. When his inert immunity degenerates or is lost, the physical health of a person will be affected leading to all sorts of diseases, some of which can be fatal.

After repeated researches conducted in the medical world, the following discoveries were made:

Citric acid is an important element for sustaining a healthy body alkaline.

Accessory suprarenal cortical hormone helps to strengthen the body’s immunity.

The medical world has also discovered that “ZU” is an element that comprises a large quantity of citric acid compound with accessory Suprarenal cortical hormone.

Citric Acid Periodic Circulation:

When food passes through a human body, the process is known as digestion. During this process, food is converted into different materials; carbohydrate turns into glucose; protein into amino acid; and fat into glycerin and fatty acid.

After the digestion process is completed, some of the new substances are used for nourishing the body, while some are being stored for future use.

If a person consumes too much acidic food with a high content of animal protein and fat, it will lead to too much lactic acid and pyroracemic that cannot be completely removed from the body. The excess lactic acid and pyroracemic will be dissolved in the blood and muscle causing the blood to turn acidic and thicken. This will in turn be a major cause of many diseases.

During the digestion process, the heat and energy required by the human body is converted via circulation of citric acid. If citric acid is able to circulate smoothly in the body, all the lactic acid and pyroracemic will be remove completely and the body resistance strengthened.

The accessory suprarenal is located above the kidney. It contributes to the secretion of adrenalin and various other type of hormone. These various types of hormone will help to build up the body’s resistance and protect its physical health. The accessory suprarenal cortical hormone is made from ZU.

ZU is made from green plum using modern advance extraction and refining technique developed in Japan. It comprises high contents of citric acid, succinic acid, malic acid, natural vitamins and pearl calcium, a substance especially suitable for building and strengthening the human bone structure.

This product is a nutritious alkaline food. Regular consumption will help to stimulate the periodic circulation of citric acid in the body; dissolve acidic toxins in the blood; and regulates secretions in the body that will in turn help to strengthen the body, and also help to prevent diseases affecting the heart and other vital organs.

ZU is your ideal health food.

It is suitable for men and woman of all ages.

Q2: What is the Effects of Vinegar in the Prevention and Treatment of Illnesses?

(1) Prevention of Kidney and Liver Illness:

The function of the liver is to bring about the disintegration of toxins in the body while the kidney functions as a filter of waste. Thick acidic blood and excessively high cholesterol, combined with ammonia and uric acid produced by residue proteins in the blood are elements that will increase the burden of the liver and kidney. The extra pressure imposed on these two organs can cause toxin affliction that will bring about serious damages. Vinegar is capable of breaking down acidic toxins in the blood resulting in cleaner blood. This will reduce the burden of the liver and kidney and helps to eliminate the chances of toxin affliction.

(2) Prevention of Diabetes:

Diabetes is closely related to the pancreas. The function of the pancreas is the secretion of insulin, which is disseminated to all parts of the body via the blood vessels. The function of insulin is to channel glucose found in the blood (blood sugar) into the muscles for conversion into calories of energy required by the body. Brain activities also require a constant supply of blood sugar. Inadequate supply of insulin will result in failure to channel the blood sugar into the muscles and the brain. If blood sugar is not promptly disseminated from the blood, the excessive accumulation of blood sugar will find its way out via urination. This condition is aptly known as “Sugar Urine Illness” in Chinese or diabetes as a common medical term. Diabetes is a condition which can bring about several other complications; they include heart disease, swelling, kidney illness, and retinopathy. A high level of insulin is required to breakdown the sugar content in the blood, insufficient supply will result in an excessively high level of blood sugar. Vinegar is able to help purify the blood, sustain its alkaline level, and contribute to recovery of the pancreas thus reducing the occurrence of high blood sugar condition among diabetics.

(3) Prevention of Hypertension and Strokes:

According to recent expert explanations, hypertension is caused by paralysis of the arteriole blood vessel muscles that control the contraction of blood vessels. This condition results from having too much lactic acid in the body. Vinegar is capable of eliminating excess lactic acid and contributing to the prevention of hypertension from developing into more serious conditions such as arteriosclerosis and strokes.

(4) Arthritis, Rheumatism and Gout:

The uric acid and urate found in acidic blood tend to accumulate on soft joint tissues resulting in chronic or acute arthritic and pain. The calcium and citric acid found in vinegar can form “collagen”, supplement calcium, and breakdown uric acid in the blood to help eliminate such kind of illnesses. Furthermore, food proteins tend contain a high level of nitrogen, which will turn into ammonia when it comes into contact with hydrogen. If the liver does not convert the ammonia into uric acid and pass out of the body, it will accumulate in the muscles and blood to cause problems like gout and arthritis. Vinegar is able to help speed up the removal of uric acid and eliminate the painful conditions. Regular consumption of vinegar does not cause any sides effects.

(5) Regulating Hormone Secretion:

Since the accessory suprarenal cortical hormone of the body is composed of vinegar, increase intake of vinegar and other nutritious foods can help to simulate hormones secretion for both sexes, regulate their sexual capabilities, and help to keep a person young and full of vitality.

As can be seen from the above explanations, vinegar is obviously an effective element in healthy care and preventive medicine. It can be consumed regularly without causing any side effect. That is why Japanese refers to vinegar as the source of life. Vinegar – it gives power to life.




















*青梅能够有效预防衰老,具有美容效果:①可以恢复皮肤的年轻 ② 能达到保护肝脏的美容效果 ③ 促进胃肠功能,有效消除便秘。



*丰富饮食当中的陷阱:①空泛的西洋饮食 ②营养枯竭的饮食 ③ 懒惰的饮食





Vinegar - Tsukarezu for a Longer and Happier Life

By Shomatsu OsadaAs soon as you take vinegar - Tsukarezu (or citric acid, as a powder), it starts to eliminate fatigue. You can notice this in only two hours.You can confirm this. If you look at your urine two hours after you take vinegar, and you will find it to be more clear. Or, if you are unwilling to look at it closely, examine it with a piece of pH test paper (litmus paper). Before you take vinegar, the pH test paper will show that your urine is acidic, due to fatigue-creating substances in your body. Two hours after you take vinegar, the test paper will show more alkaline. These results mean that the previous fatigue substances were decreased or removed by taking the vinegar.The liver dissolves the poisonous matters which were made in our body, so we must always keep it working well. Meat, fish, eggs, coconut oil, greens, and other nourishing foods as well as vinegar act like medicines for the liver.

Krebs' Theory

The theory of Dr. Krebs, a British scientist, explains how vinegar can eliminate fatigue. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for proving this theory in 1953. Through it, he explains clearly how food is changed into energy, or burned, in the body of almost all animals including human beings and bacteria. He also explains what fatigue is and how it can be eliminated.I owe this knowledge about the relation between vinegar and fatigue to the late Doctor of Pharmacology and Professor Emeritus, Shichiro Akitani of Tokyo University. He was fascinated by this subject and found clues to solve these problems during the World War II. Though a busy man, he took every opportunity to recommend people take as much vinegar as possible.1. Even if lactic acid, one of the substances causing fatigue, is created in your body, it will soon disappear if the Citric Acid Cycle is working well. Oxaloacetic acid plays a crucial role for the Cycle to work well. But citric and other acids are changed to it eventually. Therefore, it is important that you take an adequate amount of these acids so that the Cycle works well.2. Pyroracemic acid (pyruvic acid) is a toxic substance which paralyzes nerves. Lactic acid makes the blood acidic and stiffens muscles.3. Dr. Lipman, an American scientist, contributed greatly to clarifying how ATP was created. Drs. Krebs and Lipman were awarded Nobel prizes for their contribution in 1953.4. As for the details of the creation of ATP, researchers are making efforts to clarify them at present.Digestion means decomposing starch into glucose; protein is converted into the twenty or more kinds of amino acids which make up protein; and fat is changed into glycerine and fatty acids in our bodies.The food we consume is eventually burned, or changed into a substance called ATP (adenocine triphosphate) which can give out heat easily. Almost all of the starch, protein, and fat we take in are consumed in our bodies to generate heat, although they are also used to repair our body when needed. The Krebs’ theory explains the process called the "Citric Acid Cycle," where ATP is usually produced.Almost all of the food you eat is changed first into citric acid, then into aconitic, isocitric, alpha-ketoglutaric, and four other kinds of acids in your mitochondria. In the course of this change, these acids reduce in quantity. The lost portion of the quantity is used to produce heat (ATP), carbon dioxide (discharged through exhalation), and water (discharged through urine and sweat). Such change and production is caused by specific enzymes in the mitochondria.If this process involving eight acids works smoothly, the causes of fatigue, namely, pyroracemic (pyruvic) and lactic acids, will not be produced. Then the muscles will be soft, blood will be alkalescent as is normal, and urine will be clear.On the other hand, if you overwork mentally or physically, or your meals are unreasonable, or if they lack in vinegar in particular, this process does not work efficiently. Instead, it produces pyroracemic acid and lactic acid (which is composed by combining hydrogen with pyroracemic acid). These substances are accumulated in the muscles and cause pain and fatigue.If lactic acid is accumulated in your muscles at 0.24 - 0.40% of body fluids, you will feel fatigue; you will be slow to respond to stimulus, and more liable to cause mistakes or accidents. Accumulations of lactic and pyroracemic acids cause this fatigue. The more of these that are present, the greater your fatigue. Fatigue deprives you of vitality. If you work in such a condition, you cannot work efficiently and will be more error-prone. You also might experience cramping, because pyroracemic acid can paralyze the nerves. Sometimes you may experience a cramp or stiff shoulders. All the stiffness of the body, including death rigor, is caused by lactic acid."Nothing is more important than vinegar for normalizing blood."-- Shomatsu OsadaIt is very important for health to keep blood and other body fluids alkaline. Two of the greatest causes which make them acidic are pyroracemic and lactic acids. The condition of body where the blood and other body fluids are acid is called acidosis. If your body is in acidosis, enzymes in the body cannot work well, preventing muscles from moving quickly and making you uncomfortable, touchy, and irritable. You will also be liable to be easily defeated by bacteria, molds, or viruses. Thus, you will be experience problem after problem.You can overcome the troubles caused by such acids by means of your mental power and training. For example, when everything is going well with you, you will not get tired. When you fight with an enemy in a life-or-death battle, you will win the victory if you fight with a greater fighting spirit. Thus, if your mental power is strong, you can fight even when tired.If you are suffering from a disease, your will to fight against the disease is the most important factor for recovery. In this case, however, proper medical care is assumed.Training is important as well. A trained person can work without causing an error, even if several times more pyroracemic and lactic acids are present in his body than that of the untrained. But our trained expert still has a limit on his vitality, and will be much more tired after the work in proportion to his effort.

You needn't hate cholesterol

Hardening of arteries is a horrible disease, and is very difficult to cure. Many people fear its cause, namely, cholesterol, maybe by the influence of advertisements. Concern is reasonable, but you should not fear it.Your body has lots of cholesterol and it plays an important role. It is one of the most important components of blood. When you are in danger, cholesterol takes your adrenal hormones to the right places. When you lack vitality, it is also changed into sexual hormones and sent where needed.So how does cholesterol harden our arteries? The late Professor Takio Shimamoto of Tokyo Medical and Dental University published the results of his research on this problem and drew great attention. According to him, if much adrenaline is secreted as in excessive anger, anxiety, or coldness, or if we need too much cholesterol to move the frequent adrenal hormones through the artery wall, it will cause the wall to harden.The popularization of vinegar is important for people and countriesWhy is it that vinegar has such a great effect? I think it is because vinegar was basic to the origin of life. It continues to give great vitality to life.Glucose, which is the most important sugar contained in celluloses and fibers, originated from the simplest form of organic acid, which is produced by a plant with chlorophyll. When helped by sun, water, and carbon dioxide, it goes through a process similar to the citric acid cycle working in reverse. However, animals burn all the food they take in by changing it to eight acids. Moreover, one of the important routes through which animals’ bodies are formed involves alpha-ketoglutaric acid, one of the eight acids making up the citric acid cycle.

Medical benefits of vinegar

I said earlier you can notice the effect of vinegar only two hours after you take it. If you have any heart disease, however, you may be relieved by taking citric acid almost immediately. The blood of a person who has a heart disease lacks oxygen, and it contains the accumulation of lactic and pyroracemic acids which cause fatigue, changing its color to black and making it viscous. If this person takes citric acid, it begins to burn such substances immediately and increase the blood’s capacity to absorb oxygen. This is why citric acid is good for heart disease.In Tales of Common Soldiers, which was written to give instructions to common soldiers several hundred years ago, the statement is found: "As long as you live, treasure one ume pickle daily, and don't forget its value." The more we know about citric acid, the more deeply we recognize this value. I have been captivated by citric acid since I first found out about it twenty years ago, and began to drink and promote it. It is quite natural, because citric acid is the origin of life. Citric acid eliminates fatigue, normalizes body fluids, and reinforces the power of spontaneous healing.The excellent effects of tachibanas, ume pickles, Chinese citrons, and lemons have been known since long ago. Their essence is, we can say, citric acid. We can find the articles about it in the Japanese Pharmaceutical Codex, one of the achievements of advanced medical science. However, although citric acid has such a great power to prevent and cure diseases, some people, who should promote citric acid, seem to hide its wonderful power. Maybe it is because citric acid is too inexpensive for them.The Japanese Pharmaceutical Codex was established by the government according to the Pharmaceutical Law. It specifies the standards concerning the quality, power, and purity of medicines used for medical treatment. It is accompanied by a commentary book, which explains the metabolism, effects, application, and side effects of the medicines included in the Codex.Under the article of citric acid in the Commentaries to the Japanese Pharmaceutical Codex (C), the 10th version (the latest version), p. 647, we can find the following statement: "The effects of vinegar on a hangover and feeling sick from drinking have been known for centuries. If you are liable to be drunk very easily, please take vinegar or citric acid before, during, and after your drink. You will not feel sick even if you drank sake to some extent, and will sober up soon without being drunk. Feeling sick from drinking is caused by accumulated acetaldehyde, which is the residual substance after alcohol was broken down in the liver."Vinegar is a medicine for causal treatment, which intends to cure diseases by strengthening the body itself. It differs entirely from medicines for symptomatic treatment, such as the painkillers and narcotics that are used by many physical practitioners. These medicines do not cure a disease, as they cannot eliminate its cause. So you cannot expect to cure a disease two hours after you took vinegar.

Citric acid

Citric acid is a pure Japanese word; citric means "lemon" both in Japanese and Chinese. Here, I will introduce to you various ways to take it. I hope that as many people as possible will take as much vinegar as possible. It does not matter if it is cooking vinegar, rice vinegar, or citric acid, just take it often so that you will not be tired nor fall ill.Citric acid consists of small white grains which are soluble easily in water and have no smell. If you try tasting it, you will be surprised by its sourness. If you dilute it with water properly, its sourness changes into a fresh and a most tasty drink.The power of various acids are compared to each other based on the common yardstick of hydrochloric acid, which is the main component of gastric juices, specified as 1. Acetic acid has the power 1/60 of hydrochloric acid, while citric acid is 1/3 of acetic acid, or 1/180 of hydrochloric acid. So it is classified scientifically as one of the weaker acids, having no power to cause a burn. About 540 cc. of vinegar is equivalent to 5 gm., or a full spoon, of citric acid.Notes:"Salt" mentioned above means a substance produced by neutralizing an acid substance with an alkaline one. If you find it difficult to take citric acid itself for its sourness, you may take instead citric acid salts, produced mainly by neutralizing citric acid with sodium bicarbonate or calcium.Cooking vinegar, which is thin acetic acid, has the same effects as citric acid. I omit its explanation here because it is not included in the Codex."Effects: This item has the effects of local astringency and stimulation. It is discharged through exhalation after it was changed to carbon dioxide without exerting any pharmaceutical effects, except in case of high dosage. Accordingly, the dosage of salts leads body fluids and urine to alkalescence. Citric acid salts have the effect of coagulating the blood."Application: This item is used for the materials of various drugs in the form of powder or water solution to give them freshness and good taste. The sourness of 4 gm. of this item is equivalent to that of one big lemon. Lemonade of citric acid is applied for indigestion, thirstiness, lost appetite, and gastric anacidity. It is applied to clean perspiring feet (concentration: 1-5%), and tongue cancer (concentration: 0.8%), and as a plaster for diphtheria (concentration: 1-3%). It is used as material for sodium citrate. Many other medicines are made from it."Testimonial"I am forty years old and am presently a housewife. Since last May I have been taking one teaspoon of tsukarezu after meals three times daily. From July to December of the same year I have been taking citric acid which my sister who lives in Tokyo has been sending me."Before beginning the daily regimen of your tsukarezu I had been suffering from high blood pressure, stiff shoulders, dizziness, and ringing in the ears. But after two months of tsukarezu, I experienced gradual relief from all the problems, with the exception of the ringing in my ears. Listlessness and fatigue also went away. Even housework has became a pleasure now that it is easier for me to do. It is unfortunate, however, that the ringing in my ears has not gotten better. It has now been three and a half years since the ringing began. I will continue taking tsukarezu and believe that it will cure the ringing, too."If any medicine or food which has the same effect as citric acid were to be found other than citric acid and thin acetic acid, it will be approved officially as a medicine. It is quite natural, if we consider the importance of acid-base equilibrium mentioned below. If the temperature around us rises or falls only a little, our bodies are upset, sweat, or sneeze, giving us a warning to wear more clothes. This is because we need to keep our body temperature constant so that various enzymes can help chemical reactions to work well in our body. Acid-base equilibrium is also no less important than keeping our body temperature constant. It offers the ground for the so-called acid-alkaline food theory.Acid means a substance that gives off protons (one of electric particles) in a water solution, while base (we call it alkaline, if dissolved in water), receives protons. It is said that the activity of our body is a complicated aggregation of the work of enzymes, which amount to more than three thousand types. The enzymes work by giving off or receiving electric particles (quantum biology deals with these phenomena which are difficult to clarify; however, it is in an early stage yet). Some of them require an acid environment for their activities, and other require an alkaline one, adding to the complication.pH is the unit of acidity and alkalinity. Its neutral value is 7.0. Our blood must keep its alkalescence at pH 7.4 on the average throughout the body, or we cannot live. In fact, if the pH of the blood is slightly acid at pH 7.0, or over-alkaline at 7.7, for over two to three hours, we will die (Guyton: Physiology, p. 420). Though deep breathing is good for health, you should not continue it too long, because it may cause over-alkalinity.After we take an exercise a little intensely, we pant for breath. Sufficient oxygen was not supplied during such intense exercise. It led to insufficient oxidization and the production of a lot of lactic acid, which is the fatigue substance, making blood and body fluids acid. Thus we pant for breath to bring in more oxygen and to discharge carbonic acid in the body, to ease the over-acidity as soon as possible. We need to take in oxygen to cause the citric acid cycle to work well, reduce the acidification of the body, and to get energy (ATP) from the lactic acid, which still contains much energy.However, just this breathing is not sufficient to eliminate the acid substances produced in the body. Liver and kidneys also make further efforts to burn and discharge such substances separately, leading urine to high acidity. With all such efforts, some of the lactic acid may remain in the body. If it remains in the shoulder muscles, we will have stiff shoulders. If it remains throughout the body, according to my hypothesis, we will have essential hypertension.Lactic acid, combined with muscles, stiffens them. After a person dies, it is produced in a great amount in their body and it temporarily stiffens the body like a rock. This is called death rigor (rigor mortis). Though many cells are alive, even in such a condition without oxygen, they exist by the anaerobic cycle of glycolosis, which produces a lot of lactic acid."I told the doctor (a Spaniard) who treated me before that I was taking citric acid, and he praised it for its benefits to the body. The doctor suggested an injection to cure the ringing in my ears. However, since each injection costs four thousand yen and up to thirty would be required, the high cost of this treatment as well as my hatred for injections made me refuse the treatment. Although the ringing in both ears is unfortunate and uncomfortable, I am putting my hopes on a complete cure by citric acid, which has no ill effects."-- Yoshiko Tojo

Vinegar Can Eliminate Fatigue

You will not be tired if pyroracemic and lactic acids are not accumulated in your body. You can eliminate fatigue by burning and consuming the pyroracemic and lactic acids already present. For this purpose, you have to make the citric acid cycle work well, which is the process where each one of eight acids is changed to another in turn, as mentioned earlier.The oxaloacetic acid plays the most important role for a smooth work of this cycle. It would be the most desirable if we could supply the cycle this acid for its good work. But this acid cannot be used as medicine for that purpose because it is oxidized easily. Some substitutes for it can be chosen to act as the medicine of fatigue. These are the seven acids which work in the citric acid cycle with the oxaloacetic acid, asparagine, and glutamic acid from which those seven acids are composed, and acetic acid, which is the original form of fatty acids.Acetic acid can eliminate fatigue, because it is changed to citric acid by combining with oxaloacetic acid with the help of CoEnzyme A and ATP (adensosine triphosphate).Why is it that the oxaloacetic acid plays the most important role in the citric acid cycle? It is because this acid has the capability of decarbonation or drawing out carbon dioxide from other substances. This is essential for the citric acid cycle as well as over fourteen other chemical reactions in our body.Dr. Virtanen, a Finnish scientist, studied oxaloacetic acid extensively and was awarded a Nobel prize in 1945 for his "Study on Oxaloacetic Acid." His work and the importance of this acid were not known to the world, however, possibly because of the social unrest after the end of World War II. Even our National Diet Library, the greatest library in Japan, has no treatises written by him.

More on Fatigue

Can we work without fatigue for our life, if only we take vinegar sufficiently? No. We cannot entirely prevent fatigue, because we can not fully supply oxygen through our lungs to our blood. That system brings the oxygen to muscles, which lose ATP rapidly and require more oxygen to produce ATP continuously. This miraculous system is not perfectly efficient. The citric acid cycle works in hundreds of mitochondria in each cell, and the process of change of the acids progresses at a speed of 2 - 3 cycles a second. If we take any of the acids which reduce fatigue, the citric acid cycle works better. This can dissolve the lactic and pyroracemic acids in only about two hours.However, the more tired we are, the more acid we need to take to eliminate such fatigue. Lactic acid, one of the main causes of fatigue, is combined with muscles and produces protein lactate, which stiffens them. This protein lactate cannot be eliminated easily in a short time. However, if we take three cups of vinegar water (10 gr. powder) every day, we can get rid of obstinate stiff shoulders completely and recover our agile and flexible body in three or four days. The power of this vinegar is remarkable.The stiff muscles in our back and shoulders make us depressed and unpleasant. This disease is said to be peculiar to the Japanese. We have not found any medicine for it so far except some plasters which have little effect. With vinegar, you need not suffer from it anymore.

Some misunderstandings about vinegar

It is true that vinegar makes your body acidic?Even the late Dr. Tan Katase, who is well-known for his achievements in the field of calcium medicine and his establishment of "acid-base equilibrium in blood" theory, writes in one of his books: "Taking vinegar may cause acidosis and abnormal discharge of calcium. Therefore vinegar is unfavorable food." (Medicine of Calcium, p. 87).His opinion, however, is a great misunderstanding, at least for the effect of acetic acid which eliminates fatigue. Acetic acid is not an acid food, it is an alkaline food. Moreover, it has a very strong effect in alkalizing blood. In two hours it will dissolve only lactic and pyroracemic acids, which are the main causes of acidic blood. Usually, we Japanese don’t take a lot of vinegar or food containing much cholesterol, such as eggs and meat. Therefore, many of us have blood cholesterol levels that are below standard. It is such people who are attacked by horrible diseases like cerebral hemorrhages and heart disease most frequently. Eggs and meat contain a lot of proteins and fat of good quality. If we lack such food, our body tissues will become poor -- lacking in resiliency, fragile, and liable to bleed.The lack of cholesterol in blood, combined with the lack of intake of vinegar, makes us liable to be defeated by various stresses. The lack in the intake of vinegar is liable to cause the acidification of blood. In such conditions, we will easily get angry at trifles, which means that a lot of adrenaline will be secreted frequently.Vinegar is a source of good taste, because the more our bodies need some food, the more we like the taste.It is said usually that water has no taste. But cool water tastes good, while the water cooled after it was boiled does not. The former tastes good because it is acidified by taking in more carbonic acid from air than hot water, and the coolness itself contributes to its good taste in addition. Whereas the latter does not, because it is alkalized and contains no carbonic acid, with bacteria beginning to propagate.Japanese sake tastes good because it contains citric, succinic, and fumaric acids, which are three of the eight acids which eliminate fatigue. The more of these acids sake contains, the better it tastes, the more full-bodied it is, and the better its quality is. Carbonic acid (H2CO3) is a compound of carbon dioxide with water, and it differs from sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) or baking soda, although these are sometimes confused with each other.Sour taste is the taste of acid and the hydrogen atom at the same time. Acetic acid is decomposed in our body into hydrogen atom (H+) and acetyl (CH3CO-), which is alkaline. Both are indispensable for activating enzymes that play important roles, as mentioned earlier. The words "acid food" and "alkaline food" are used only in Japan. They have no scientific basis. The acidity or alkalinity of food means that of ashes obtained after it was burned in a test tube. On the other hand, the acidity or alkalinity of blood results from the sum total of many elements such as heredity, disease, climate, etc. It has little relation to the acid or alkaline food.Of course, Dr. Katase’s theory is a very excellent one. The necessity to keep blood alkaline, which was emphasized in the theory, is growing more important, as the secret of life is clarified. The main cause that will acidify blood is not acid ashes obtained after a substance was burned completely in a test tube, but acid products obtained after it was burned in our body. This is a great difference.Is it true that vinegar harms persons who suffer from gastric hyperacidity or duodenal ulcer?Some investigations into heartburn have demonstrated that heartburn can occur to a person who has lost all of his stomach through surgery, or who has gastric juices which contain little or no acid. Moreover, some people can have heartburn even if they drank alkaline water, or just a lot of water.Thus, heartburn is caused not only by excessive secretion of gastric juice, but also such diseases as esophagitis or gastritis, or when a person who is in highly nervous or frustrated state drinks a lot of water hastily.If you have peptic or duodenal ulcers, you should start taking citric acid by drinking a little at first, increasing its volume little by little. You can distinguish these two diseases by the pain they cause: the peptic ulcer causes pain half or one hour after you ate food, while the duodenal ulcer hurts before you eat food in most cases.Why take more acid when your gastric juice contains too much hydrochloric acid already? You needn’t worry; because citric acid is the most effective means to normalize the autonomic nerve, which is out of order due to stress caused by mental and physical overwork, and is a major cause of the peptic ulcer. You have to also take measures against the stress by resting your body and brain, or by recreation, as well as to take plenty of animal food and greens which are necessary to repair the wound.Is it true that vinegar causes abnormal discharge of calcium, and harms your teeth and bones?No, it is not true. It may be natural that such a theory would have been accepted in the time before biochemistry was developed. I hope such a theory has not caused any ill effects for some people who believe it even today. Calcium is certainly one of the main components of bones and teeth. It has to be acidified entirely in the stomach before its absorption, and can only be absorbed through the duodenum and the upper small intestine before it loses its acidity.What will happen then, if the gastric juices were not secreted sufficiently or were lacking in acidity? The intestine juice, which is alkaline due to the sodium bicarbonate contained in the pancreatic juice, alkalizes the calcium quickly. Calcium particles, which are assembled together when alkalized, then form larger particles which cannot pass through the tiny holes of the intestine wall. Accordingly, they are only discharged with feces. As we get older, the secretion of gastric juices decrease.If you lack gastric juice, you will also lack calcium, and you will be liable to have diarrhea because of insufficient sterilization of food by the chlorine contained in gastric juices. Moreover, Vitamins B1 and C will be destroyed by the alkalinity in the intestine. Thus, you cannot maintain your health.However, the citric and acetic acids which eliminate fatigue can help you. If you take these acids properly, you can make up the insufficient gastric juice. These acids, or vinegar, never discharge calcium abnormally; on the contrary, they prevent such abnormality. They help the gastric juice to sterilize all the food we take and protect the absorption of vitamins B1 and C perfectly.In addition, the lack of gastric juice prevents the absorption of iron, which is shown by the red color of blood and sometimes causes anemia.Is it enough if only we take citric acid or vinegar sufficiently?Among all the medicines and food, only citric acid and vinegar can eliminate fatigue, normalize blood, and reinforce the spontaneous healing power to prevent and cure a disease. But these do not make up our body, so it is quite important to ask, "what, and how much food" should you take at your daily meals, because "to eat is to live," as is said commonly.Please give priority to taking fish, meat, or eggs. Sometimes I participate in group tours, and I see many people eat only sake and little hors d’ oeuvres at dinner. They drink sake, which contains only of 15% of alcohol with a small cup. Such a small quantity of sake may cause them no harm. But many of them eat several cups of rice and little ham or other protein sources at the next breakfast. I really feel regrettable to see such a habit and poor knowledge of dietics. As long as such a habit continues, Japan will continue to be a country of small people.

Stress theory and the adrenal cortical hormone

Many know about the stress theory established by Dr. Hans Selye, a Canadian scientist.It is commonly understood that stress is a distortion which occurs in our daily life. Its true meaning is wider than that, and includes all the things which threaten our life and make us uncomfortable: factors such a hotness, coldness, injuries, invasion of disease-causing germs, and pollution, including noise, exhausted gases, etc. If we are defeated by stress, it is said, we have gastric hyperacidity, peptic and duodenal ulcers, high blood pressure, hardening of the arteries, and other diseases.As this definition of stress shows clearly, we are surrounded by stresses every day and night. So it is quite natural that we are sometimes defeated by them and fall ill. The work of the adrenal glands became widely known by popular press for the stress theory. Located above our kidneys, the central part and the first layer of its cortex secrete adrenaline and mineral hormone respectively, the second cortex secrets saccharine hormone which is usually called cortisone, and its third layer secretes male and female hormones. These three secretions, called the adrenal cortical hormone collectively, are essential to protect the life of any animal from stress.However, if a stress is too great or lasts too long, or if too little hormones are secreted hormones, we may be defeated by a stress and fall ill. In such a case, we have to block the stress by diverting ourselves or taking a rest, or to stimulate the adrenals to secrete the hormone by taking vinegar and other nutritious foods. If not, the illness will worsen until death, if the adrenal glands stop working.You see now the importance of the adrenal cortical hormone and its necessity for supporting our life. This hormone is made from vinegar, acetic acid. The Nobel Prize in 1964 was awarded for this discovery.

Citric Acid Cycle

As illustrared in the charts, Dr. Krebs showed that Oxaloacetic Acid plays one of the most crucial roles in the Citric Acid Cycle. All the other acids necessary for the function of the cycle change to Oxaloacetic Acid eventually. But Oxaloacetic Acid however cannot be found naturally nor prescribeb as a nourishment because it oxidises very easily. Hence acids which occur naturally and which are vital to the production of Oxaloacetic Acid in our bodies must be consumed regularly.

Based on this theory and the above fact on Oxaloacetic Acid, it tok another Japanese Professor Dr. Shomatsu Osada to develop a product which is to become the now renown -- TSUKAREZU.

He found out that the reason why Vinegar (Acetic Acid) was able to eliminate fatique was because it combined with Oxaloacetic Acid with the help of Co-enzyme A and ATP to give rise to Citric Acid.

The researches conducted separately by the group led by Prof. Yoshio Takino of Shizuoka College of Pharmacy and by Instructor Sadao Nakayama of Showa University have proved that taking large quantity of vinegar alleviates the hardening of arteries by increasing the good choresterol and eliminates gradually liver spots on the face caused by lipid peroxide.








1. 醋中所含的醋酸、乳酸、甘油、乙醇以及乙醛等醛类化合物,能扩张毛细血管,促进血液循环,抑制多种细菌和病毒,如人们常用醋来缓解蚊虫叮咬、体癣、病毒性感冒和病毒性肝炎等,就是利用了醋的杀菌、抗病毒、解毒属性。

2. 人体内有毒素堆积的时候,身体内环境就会呈现酸性状态,而醋是硷性食物,就可以和人体中的酸性物质进行中和反应,从而维持人体的酸硷平衡。

3. 醋还能提高肝脏的解毒和排毒能力,促进新陈代谢,加快毒素的排解过程。

4. 醋不但有助於排毒,还有助於透过减少氧化物质的产生而抑制毒素的产生。

5. 醋能促使体内过多的脂肪进行转化和消耗,并使蛋白质和碳水化合物能够顺利代谢,从而有效地防止了脂肪在体内的堆积,也就有效阻止了脂肪在代谢过程中产生毒素。

6. 醋还能透过作用於大脑来促进排毒。因为醋中的氨基酸以及挥发成分可以刺激大脑中枢神经,指挥消化系统分泌更多的消化液,这样,消化功能就得到了提高,就能有效防治便秘等问题的发生。

7. 醋中的有机酸能够有效分解导致身体疲劳的乳酸和酮等物质,使人体处於放松的状态,而神经和肌体的放松状态就能使身体各个系统协调运作,相互配合,发挥解毒和排毒功效。


青梅(英文名:plum, ume, greengage)具有合理的钙磷比、低糖高酸,营养丰富,是较好的保健食品。据分析,100克鲜青梅中含有碳水化合物18.9克、脂肪0.9克、蛋白质0.9克以及多种有机酸、维生素、矿物质。鲜食有生津止渴、增进食欲、杀菌解毒、净化血液、增强肝脏功能、预防高血压和脑溢血及抑制多种肿瘤等功效。青梅中含有人体物质代谢不可缺少的柠檬酸,还有枸椽酸、单宁酸、酒石酸、苹果酸、苦味酸及多种氨基酸,都有利于人体蛋白质的合成和代谢。



1 青梅的化学成份


2 青梅的保健功能












36岁时,朋友说"养命酢"对减肥和保持健康很有用,而朋友也渐渐瘦了5~ 8公斤。那时候,我的体重在不知不觉中增到61公斤,正想找好的减肥方法。由于"养命酢"的服用法非常简单,于是便开始服用。
每天早餐,午餐,晚餐后服食养命酢3~5粒,外出旅行时也一定会带着服用。就这样,体重一点一点地逐渐开始减少。过了半年,已减了6公斤,变成只有55公斤了 。37岁时,我减到了51公斤,也就是说比开始减少了10公斤。我想应是"养命酢"的功劳。






梅子是水里鄉重要的作物,水里產量僅次於信義鄉姓鄉,是本縣第三大的青梅產區。 品質精良,是外銷日本的主力產品。


















「酢」是「醋」的本字。酢不是藥,是一種天然食品,歷史淵遠流長,早於 3000 多年前,已被發現。在許多文獻和民間流傳中,存有不少酢的健康法。據說埃及女皇克麗佩脫拉更將之作為日常美容妙品。1953 年,英國人 Dr Krebs 因 <酢的功效> 而獲頒諾貝爾獎;1964 年,Dr Lynen 同樣因酢的研究而獲頒諾貝爾獎。可見酢有驚人的生理活性效果。
















過量攝取蛋白質及加工食品中的磷 、運動不足等,會造成鈣的流失。酢有助食物中鈣的釋出,與鈣結合後,又易於人體吸收。對強健骨骼、安定神經、睡眠均有很大幫助。


酢含均衡的氨基酸,有助多種重要的肝機能,如解毒、蛋白質 的合成與代謝、脂質及膽汁酸的生成與代謝等。補充肝臟營養,消除毒性積累、避免慢性問題。





健康的人体酸碱值应该维持在弱碱性(约为 PH7.35 至7.45之间),医学研究报告指出,酸性体质导致亚健康,是各种疾病和癌症的温床,梅子不但富含钙、铁质、镁、锌等多种矿物质和有机酸、氨基酸等,而且大部分是碱性矿物质,因此有“碱性之王”的封号,可以有效的调节体内的酸碱度,是一种非常健康的天然食品。

















如图表所示,Dr. Krebs显示出Oxaloacetic Acid在柠檬酸循环的主要性。其他在周期中必需的酸质最终都会转成Oxaloacetic Acid。不过,由于非常容易氧化,Oxaloacetic Acid极难通过自然方法或作为滋补品般被摄取。因此,我们必须经常摄取其他天然而又在Oxaloacetic Acid产生过程中十分重要的其他酸质。
基于这理论及上述有关Oxaloacetic Acid的事实,另一位日本教授长田正松博士研究出一种名为生力酢的产品。
他研究出醋(醋酸)能减轻疲劳的原因在于它能在补酵素A及ATP的帮助下,与Oxaloacetic Acid结合,产生柠檬酸。
以Shizuoka College of Pharmacy的Yoshio Takino教授及Showa University导师Sadao Nakayama为首的研究小组亦证明了大量摄取醋,可以通过好的胆固醇减轻血管硬化,并逐渐减退由过氧化脂引致出现在脸上的雀斑。