The theory of Dr. Krebs, a British scientist, explains how vinegar can eliminate fatigue. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for proving this theory in 1953. Through it, he explains clearly how food is changed into energy, or burned, in the body of almost all animals including human beings and bacteria. He also explains what fatigue is and how it can be eliminated.I owe this knowledge about the relation between vinegar and fatigue to the late Doctor of Pharmacology and Professor Emeritus, Shichiro Akitani of Tokyo University. He was fascinated by this subject and found clues to solve these problems during the World War II. Though a busy man, he took every opportunity to recommend people take as much vinegar as possible.1. Even if lactic acid, one of the substances causing fatigue, is created in your body, it will soon disappear if the Citric Acid Cycle is working well. Oxaloacetic acid plays a crucial role for the Cycle to work well. But citric and other acids are changed to it eventually. Therefore, it is important that you take an adequate amount of these acids so that the Cycle works well.2. Pyroracemic acid (pyruvic acid) is a toxic substance which paralyzes nerves. Lactic acid makes the blood acidic and stiffens muscles.3. Dr. Lipman, an American scientist, contributed greatly to clarifying how ATP was created. Drs. Krebs and Lipman were awarded Nobel prizes for their contribution in 1953.4. As for the details of the creation of ATP, researchers are making efforts to clarify them at present.Digestion means decomposing starch into glucose; protein is converted into the twenty or more kinds of amino acids which make up protein; and fat is changed into glycerine and fatty acids in our bodies.The food we consume is eventually burned, or changed into a substance called ATP (adenocine triphosphate) which can give out heat easily. Almost all of the starch, protein, and fat we take in are consumed in our bodies to generate heat, although they are also used to repair our body when needed. The Krebs’ theory explains the process called the "Citric Acid Cycle," where ATP is usually produced.Almost all of the food you eat is changed first into citric acid, then into aconitic, isocitric, alpha-ketoglutaric, and four other kinds of acids in your mitochondria. In the course of this change, these acids reduce in quantity. The lost portion of the quantity is used to produce heat (ATP), carbon dioxide (discharged through exhalation), and water (discharged through urine and sweat). Such change and production is caused by specific enzymes in the mitochondria.If this process involving eight acids works smoothly, the causes of fatigue, namely, pyroracemic (pyruvic) and lactic acids, will not be produced. Then the muscles will be soft, blood will be alkalescent as is normal, and urine will be clear.On the other hand, if you overwork mentally or physically, or your meals are unreasonable, or if they lack in vinegar in particular, this process does not work efficiently. Instead, it produces pyroracemic acid and lactic acid (which is composed by combining hydrogen with pyroracemic acid). These substances are accumulated in the muscles and cause pain and fatigue.If lactic acid is accumulated in your muscles at 0.24 - 0.40% of body fluids, you will feel fatigue; you will be slow to respond to stimulus, and more liable to cause mistakes or accidents. Accumulations of lactic and pyroracemic acids cause this fatigue. The more of these that are present, the greater your fatigue. Fatigue deprives you of vitality. If you work in such a condition, you cannot work efficiently and will be more error-prone. You also might experience cramping, because pyroracemic acid can paralyze the nerves. Sometimes you may experience a cramp or stiff shoulders. All the stiffness of the body, including death rigor, is caused by lactic acid."Nothing is more important than vinegar for normalizing blood."-- Shomatsu OsadaIt is very important for health to keep blood and other body fluids alkaline. Two of the greatest causes which make them acidic are pyroracemic and lactic acids. The condition of body where the blood and other body fluids are acid is called acidosis. If your body is in acidosis, enzymes in the body cannot work well, preventing muscles from moving quickly and making you uncomfortable, touchy, and irritable. You will also be liable to be easily defeated by bacteria, molds, or viruses. Thus, you will be experience problem after problem.You can overcome the troubles caused by such acids by means of your mental power and training. For example, when everything is going well with you, you will not get tired. When you fight with an enemy in a life-or-death battle, you will win the victory if you fight with a greater fighting spirit. Thus, if your mental power is strong, you can fight even when tired.If you are suffering from a disease, your will to fight against the disease is the most important factor for recovery. In this case, however, proper medical care is assumed.Training is important as well. A trained person can work without causing an error, even if several times more pyroracemic and lactic acids are present in his body than that of the untrained. But our trained expert still has a limit on his vitality, and will be much more tired after the work in proportion to his effort.
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